Weather Observations
Historical data and ongoing feeds are sourced directly from relevant National Meteorological Services. For each country, we have an agreement in place such that we are able to obtain the highest quality data. Upon processing the data into our database the data is cleaned in order to fill missing values and detect and replace erroneous observations. The cleaning process is performed upon historical data with data feeds being cleaned on a daily basis. The result of this process is a dataset ready for your use.
Accessing weather observations via the Speedwell online store:
Step #1 - Each marker represents a weather station. This portal provides access to ~3,000 global locations. Here at Speedwell we have access to 200,000+ stations, if you do not see what you need please contact us directly.
Step #2 - Marker color indicates if data is available for instant download or for e-mail delivery. E-mail delivery is provided within one business day of data purchase.
Step #3 - Once you select a weather station please click "Purchase Data". This link will bring you to the product page where you can review pricing options and add the product to your cart for purchase.